Differentiation Aids

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Bacteriological Identification is of utmost importance when one is dealing with bacteria associated with infections. The identification cannot be done solely on the basis of morphological colony characteristic. It also requires rapid screening of bacterial based on staining properties and biochemical characteristics. Also Stains plays an important role in morphological evaluation of microorganisms which is an important tool used by pathologists to guide patient’s treatment. HiMedia offers a wide range of ready to use biochemical differentiation disc, stains, indicators and reagents for rapid identification and differentiation of microorganisms.
Differential Discs: Biochemical Discs/Strips, Sterile Discs, Sterilization Monitoring Strip

Readymade Stains & Indicators: Acid Fast Stains, Analytical Reagents, Blood Film Stains, Capsule Stains, Cytology Stains & Kits, Fungal Stains, Gram Stains


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